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Improve Productivity and Restore Exam Room Decorum


A recent article in AMA’s American Medical News cited physician concern that EHRs change the dynamics of the patient-doctor relationship. Why? Because many EHRs require physicians to type in patient data themselves instead of focusing their attention on the patient.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Reliascript’s off-site Scribes allow physicians to dictate notes instead of typing them, and also removes the presence of in-room Scribes. And best of all, off-site Scribes are often 60% less expensive than in-room Scribes.

According to an ROI analysis reported in Becker's Hospital Review, the average cost of a Scribe is $20 per hour - or about $40,000 annually for a full-time Scribe contractor. Compare that to a contracted MTSO: a physician dictating 20 reports daily at an average of 25 lines per report, billed at 12 cents per line, and working 48 weeks per year pays $14,400 in annual transcription costs, which is $25,600 less than a full-time Scribe.

At Reliascript, we’re all about helping physicians return to their first love: caring for
their patients. Contact us today to learn more.

Off-Site Scribes: Service
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